About us
The Argentine Society of Psychoanalysis (SAP) started its journey within the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) as a Study Group in 1997. In 2001, at the Nice Congress was recognized as a Provisional Society and at the New Orleans Congress in 2004 as Component Society.
SAP also integrates the Latin American Psychoanalytic Federation (FEPAL).
The beginning..
A group of psychoanalysts from APA and APdeBA and other leading psychoanalysts not belonging to IPA institutions decided in 1996 to organize a new IPA Society in the city of Buenos Aires.
They are joined by experiences shared in the psychoanalytic and fraternal sphere, in the field of Mental Health and in the commitments assumed through different moments of the Argentine reality.
Our proposal
Sustained in the traditions of Freudian thought, an institutional proposal that promotes the debate and the integration of various psychoanalytical frames of reference and incorporates and exchanges contributions from other disciplines it is part of SAP ‘s ideology.
Participation in social, cultural and scientific, local and international organizations is especially encouraged from this conception.
Pertenencia Internacional

Ciudad autónoma de Buenos Aires
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